I was thinking for the longest time about how to begin here, but I never could come up with a satisfactory introduction. But what I realised then, was that this would never be a perfect introduction. Realisation dawned on me like the sun dawns on mankind during well, dawn. Only then did I realise how things need never be impeccable and flawless, if only because such was impossible. Everyone wants to have the perfect this and the perfect that, but what they don't realise is how by their definition of perfect, they wouldn't ever get their dream.
People try to find something which is the best, and don't want to settle for anything less. A flaw in their picturesque scene they've already painted in their head leaves them devastated. "The world is a horrible place, nothing's ever right.", such people usually end up saying. Perhaps what they don't realise is how their expectation is the one that isn't right. What they seek doesn't happen to be on the menu of life for today, and they blame it on the chef. Such people, or more precisely their food, usually end up the victims of unspoken happenings in the kitchen. I guess it would be safe to say that it's unreasonable to expect someone to always look amazing, say the right things and do everything well, because such things just can't happen. What can though, is getting over the flaws, because after all it is the little inperfections and idiosyncracies that make something, or someone, so much more special.
What so many fail to realise, is that 'perfect' is what we deem our situation, or the subject matter. Perhaps we should stop trying to look for the perfect, and instead perfect our way of looking. And maybe like Mr Watanabe, when our time comes, we too can agree that indeed things were Perfect. They were all. Perfect.
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